
Showing posts from February, 2015


A few things for this blustery winter day. #1: I can't recall a better coffee experience than I had this morning. The smell, the warmth, the taste.... everything was exceptionally nice on this cold morning. I'm savoring every second. #2: I'm out of almost everything. Milk, flour, coffee, cheese, and butter.... what's a girl to do? And I am certainly not heading to the store in this weather. Ben being on night shift means hauling all of the kids with me and I won't risk that. Maybe tomorrow will be a little nicer.... I think we have a few Ramen packs to get us there.  #3: Yes, I still like Ramen. Thankfully my whole family does so that's a plus.  #4: Ramen Girl with Brittany Murphy was a good movie. You should check it out. #5: (No more Ramen, don't worry.) I visited my Grandmother with the kids yesterday. I haven't seen her since the Christmas before last and I'm pretty certain she's only met Theodore twice prior to our visit yesterday....

Sleep in.

I've never been a huge fan of sleeping in. I am, however, a huge fan of naps. I've taken naps ever since I can remember. In fact, I can recall a particular nap where my mom and sister used a wooden spoon to snap me back to reality when I would not wake from a deep deep sleep for a phone call. (Thanks, guys... still have scars from that...)  My point is this: I would do anything for a chance to sleep in. In fact, I feel like I live for mornings where Theodore doesn't have school because when that's the case I can roll out of bed just before 8. (Literally roll.) But when he does have school I need to be up and moving and dressed (yuck) and ready by 7. Every morning. And on the weekends I have to be up by 7 because that is when the nurse leaves. So I really don't have the chance to sleep in.  And I do realize that 7 is not that early. A lot of you are up at 5 or 6 every morning and, basically, that just really stinks. So I don't envy you. However, it's a ...

Fill a book.

I could fill a book- a big book- probably at least the size of one of those Readers Digest Condensed version books- of nursing stories.  I genuinely have no desire to do this. Mostly for the fact that I am truly grateful for our nurses. And really, there's only one that I have an issue with. Like, I'm not sure how she's actually managed to live this long. It's scarey. But this post is not to throw her under the bus, or talk about how much sense I feel she may be lacking, or express my frustration over a folding door she just cannot figure out.  This post is purely to announce that it has spilled over into my dreams. My dreams, people. Not that my dreams were anything really worth mentioning before. Usually they are made up of every day lack lustre things- the kind of dreams where you wake up and realize it could have been a reality in a really boring common way. It almost feels like my already overwhelming boring life was extended by 6 or 7 hours.  Now that I thin...


Guys, I have a confession to make. Here goes...... I threw out all my houseplants. There. I've said it. All of them are gone save for an aloe, because God bless it, that plant lives through anything, and a dying orchid just because I can't give up on that one yet.  They're all gone. Including a plant I've had practically since we got married almost 12 years ago. I abandoned it on the deck to fend for itself and it finally gave in to the terrible conditions. It's dead. Dead dead. (Note: I am in NO way saying that it's a picture of our marraige.... or AM I??? ) It was time. Time to go out with the old; the dearly beloved, close to my heart, old. They sat and looked at me every time I walked into the kitchen with their sad droopy dry leaves and asked me why I no longer loved them. I could never answer. The truth is that I still loved them. I still do! Even though they are now compost. But I had to let them go. And now, the guilt they brought me from their p...