Time keeps on ticking.
They say time heals. Time does what it does - it passes, creating space between you and an event or circumstance. Second by second then minute by minute it makes days turn into weeks then years until you find yourself looking back on something instead of being enveloped by it. Time takes time. Time does not mean that something didn't happen. It doesn't mean it no longer matters. It doesn't mean you aren't changed. And it doesn't mean that you are healed. Time doesn't heal. It is a part of it but it is not the whole. It is necessary but it's not complete. When your body has an injury it's not time that fixes it - time allows your body to take as much of it as it needs to address the injury and work to heal it. Your body does the work which causes the healing. Time just says, "Take as much of me as you need." Time eventually gives space from a particular thing allowing you to separate fact from emotion. It gives you the space you need...