My kids are sweet. They really are. And unbeknownst to me they cleaned their bathroom and made it super nice so I could have a 'spa' by taking a bath. The only problem is I hate baths. I think they're gross. But they were so happy to bless me with this surprise how could I turn it down? So I did what every good mother would do. I bleached the heck out of the tub, filled it with as many bubbles as I could find, lit every single one of the 17 candles they put in there (ok maybe it was only three), and called them in to see how much mommy appreciated it. Then I sent them away so I could get in. Or so they thought. I'm really just sitting on the back of the toilet typing this on my phone. No I'm not. I do love my kids and am thankful they love me and want to please and bless me even when I stink at showing them my love. Right now I better put my phone aside before I dunk it accidentally into this bubble bath. Plus I've been in here for about 2.5 minutes and I...