
Showing posts from April, 2013


I don't have any. I told myself I was going to pick my 10 favorite pictures from our family day to put up here. Only 10. Yeah right. Oh, by the way, we got to have a family day!! Minus Theodore, of course. He was home having a 102.5 fever. But the nurse showed up, the weather was BEAUTIFUL, and we went on down to the farm.  Where there are grape hyacinth for days.   Even the dogs joined us. (Only one of them is ours.) And let me just tell you what happens to a dog who swallows copious amounts of salt water... you know what, I'm not going to tell you. I'll let you use your imagination. I should have stopped 4 pictures ago. Oh, we're not done yet. Ben, look at the horizon!! It's uneven!! Nooooooo! :) Just giving my dear husband a hard time. He hates uneven horizons in pictures. I usually agree.. but not always. I love this picture. Just for a laugh. I lov...

Window squishies.

The window discovery phase. Because nothing beats squishing your nose and face against one.  Pure cuteness. It can't be denied. 

Fresh air.

We aren't going to be seeing too much of this this summer. Open windows, that is. It would appear through observation that Theodore is highly allergic to something that comes wafting through the air when we open ourselves up to the outside world. Fresh air is good for 99% of the population, but it just so happens to be Theodore's kryptonite. I don't know why. He was tested for a plethora of allergies last year like dog and cat hair and came back clean on everything. So there is nothing to prove what I'm saying other than watching him. Yesterday he was so miserable that I thought we were going to have a replay of last summer. Yesterday we had the windows open. Five days before that he suddenly started coughing and had increased work of breathing and heavy secretions. We had the windows open that day as well. It took him four days just to fully recover from that, when lo and behold, I open the windows again... and restarted the cycle only in double time. It was s...

Oh yes.

Yeah buddy. We got our chickens. The coop is coming along, and in the meantime we have 8 little chicks to take care of. Because I needed one more thing to do.  No, I didn't. But I have desperately wanted chickens for over a year so we are just doing it! I will happily 'pay the price'.  The kids LOVE them... except for Theodore. He pretty much doesn't care at all.  4 reds. 4 tetras. Hopefully they all survive. And don't tell Ben, but I'm already looking forward to expanding our little collection.  :D  


It's always awesome when I call in nursing hours to the company a week in advance, then call two days before to confirm, and get confirmation only to not have the nurse show up the day of. Oy vey. But one of Theodore's nurses is coming to the rescue. Thank you, Christine. I seriously heart you. Unfortunately, we still ended up missing his important ultrasound appointment which now has to be rescheduled which means that he is quite possibly going to be getting unnecessary shots for another week.  Aaaaaaanyway, here are some shots of what Theodore has been up to the past few weeks.