Summer living.

"So," you may be saying to yourself, "Amanda sure is slacking on her blogging lately." To you I say... this is true. "How," you may ask, "is it that during the school year while you are schooling 3 children, have many doctors appointments and a much busier schedule do you manage to blog more than during your current summer break?" Lazy. Plain and simple. I am being lazy. We have had quite a few days out and about and we have all been loving, let me say it again - LOVING - not having any school. I've been catching up on quite a few projects that I've had laying around and again I will say that I am just being lazy. Gloriously, wonderfully lazy. Of course, as you can imagine, Theodore is ALL OVER THE PLACE so he keeps us quite busy per usual. But with no other pressing priorities, it almost seems.... doable. It's lovely. It really is. Our nursing has been quite regular lately and that has allowed us to get out of the house....