
Showing posts from June, 2013

Summer living.

"So," you may be saying to yourself, "Amanda sure is slacking on her blogging lately."  To you I say... this is true. "How," you may ask, "is it that during the school year while you are schooling 3 children, have many doctors appointments and a much busier schedule do you manage to blog more than during your current summer break?" Lazy. Plain and simple. I am being lazy. We have had quite a few days out and about and we have all been loving, let me say it again - LOVING - not having any school. I've been catching up on quite a few projects that I've had laying around and again I will say that I am just being lazy. Gloriously, wonderfully lazy. Of course, as you can imagine, Theodore is ALL OVER THE PLACE so he keeps us quite busy per usual. But with no other pressing priorities, it almost seems.... doable. It's lovely. It really is. Our nursing has been quite regular lately and that has allowed us to get out of the house....

Those days.

You know those days where you're quietly sitting in your living room and suddenly two bloody children come running inside screaming, one holding the back of her bloody head and the other frantically yelling something about an arrow.... No?  ..... me either. But hypothetically speaking, IF that HAD happened, I'm sure it would have ended with a serious big brother talk about awareness, a not so huge mark on the back of the head (heads are dramatic- they bleed a lot), and then lots of cleaning of hands, heads and floors from what could have looked like a crime scene. Also, I'm sure that had this happened, it would have been discovered that the arrow did not come out of a bow, it just so happened to hit the hypothetically unnamed child just right to cause a huge scare and some pain. I feel pretty certain there is no good transition into any other topic, so I'm just going to do an about face and move on. Theodore has been doing extremely well lately. He's had a...


The Destructor has come. I'm not sure the pictures do justice to the amount of mess this really is. But he sits in front of his toy shelf and pulls out all those toys 50 times a day.  This is the destruction before construction phase I mentioned a few posts ago. And if I were smart I would probably just leave the toys out. Keep them scattered across the room. I don't care. I love it.  (Probably only a few of you caught the reference I just made.) But I'm not smart. Or I do care. Or both. I insist on cleaning up behind him all the time.  I can't walk across the room without picking stuff up, or putting the toys back in the basket, or lining up the books again. One day it will click for him. One day he'll do it on his own. I'm just not sure when. I'm still waiting for my older three to learn that lesson. I have a feeling I will go to my grave cleaning a path the whole way. 


I'm not sure why these don't have any sound, but even without sound you can see how utterly adorable Theodore is. He is definitely a little ham and he LOVES LOVES LOVES phones. The first video shows him doing the head crawl thing I was talking about. And standing on his head, yeah, he likes to do that too. The second one shows him saying no. Over and over again :) He clearly doesn't know it means "no" but I think he likes the way the world looks when he does it.  I'll stick these in the "Watching Little Man Grow" tab as well so you can find them easily if you wish. 


Today marks the end of a 12 day vacation. 12 days!! No, we didn't get to spend the entire 12 days at Disney World or anything, but Ben didn't have to go to work, it didn't involve the hospital, and everyone got to sleep in a day or two.  It was wonderful. We also celebrated our 10 year anniversary :) THANK YOU to the Woods, the Gorins, and Kelly for watching Theodore so we could get out. And the Lecompte's for taking care of the dog and chickens a time or two :) And everyone else who was vital to our coordination in actually getting out of the house.  Ben and I got a few nights ALONE and even got to take the kids on a midnight run to the beach. (Of course there will be pictures of that. You'll be able to find them everywhere per usual: The Fam tab, facebook, etc.) We met up with cousins there and had a blast.  Theodore was left at home for all of it and I don't feel guilty in the slightest. Not in the slightest, and you can't make me. We did take...