Now hear this! Now hear this!
We are getting the heck out of Dodge! That's right. As of tomorrow, JHH will be a mere memory in our lives. Well, ok, not exactly. We'll still be there quite often for appointments, check ups, etc. But it will no longer be our home. Of course, our home still won't be our actual home yet either - Mt. Washington will be. Yes, Rambo is moving on up! Broken heart, no biggie. Messed up lungs, whatever, he's got this. He's got tiger blood. He's gonna wrap both arms around Mt. Washington and love it violently through violent hatred. And then we'll be home in no time. There was literally weeping and gnashing of teeth in the NICU today. Nurses were sobbing, babies were wailing, everyone was in an uproar. Chaos was rampant - their hero is leaving. And there Rambo laid, asleep, completely untouched amidst the havoc he was causing. He exposed them to magic and for that they will forever be grateful. I do have pity already for the nurse that's going to get stuc...