TCM - and no, I don't mean Turner Classic Movies
Thurman Carlos Meadows. Lived 88 full years. Died September 27, 2011. I had the honor of meeting this man, my husbands grandfather, only once. Even still, I had heard so many stories that literally came to life when they were shared by his children and grandchildren that I felt as though he was a close friend. The first time I met him I felt I had an unfair advantage of knowing all about him while he knew probably very little of me (except that I was beautiful, and wonderful and all that) And yet, even though I likely had the advantage, I was still so nervous to make a good impression on this man who was so highly respected and loved by my husband and his entire family. And the meeting didn't disappoint - at least for my part. I'm not sure what he thought about me :) - He was the life of the party. I mean, how many people in their 80's do you see out shooting a potato gun? He is the only person I know who, after years of being highly allergic to poison ivy, woul...