And that's the way the cookie crumbles.

Must be a nice way to spend a Saturday.

In truth, I'm not too far behind. I did only just get out of the clothes that I've been wearing since yesterday morning. Although that may not have been as much of a choice as it was the fact that time eludes me.

Rambo has been feeling better but the past two days we've been keeping him on his vent during the day because he needed the pressure. 
Unfortunately this keeps him in a close vicinity to the bed because of the tubes. It also keeps me in the house (more so, if that's possible) since it's all a little more precarious. 

The good news is that today he has been off the vent since he woke up and doing well! 

The doc put him on an antibiotic the day we took him and I just got a call about the results of the culture. Of course I missed it so we'll just have to wait until Monday.


Bubbles. That's what's up. Ignore the sheet hanging up in the doorway. A necessary nuisance with the air purifier. 

Keeping kids and dogs entertained for at least 4.5 minutes. 


Helicopters. Also what's up. 

Because sometimes you have to be entertained at someone else's expense.

And at least it wasn't Theodore's this time.


A new bag from an old friend. Thanks, Renee!!!

It matches his sign perfectly. :) 

It appears to be shaping up to a not so bad weekend. 

I wish you all a lovely labor day weekend. If any of you want to drop off some delicious barbeque leftovers since I'm stuck here not being able to attend any parties, I'd appreciate it.
Have I guilted any of you into it yet???  

**last minute edit- I should probably have said that the person flown out was not injured severely, it was more precautionary as far as we know** 
