Many apologies for neglecting this blog and those of you who are dependent upon it to keep up with Theodore.
Things have been going along swimmingly. He's been enjoying school to the utmost. He is continuing to learn new signs, as are we. He can now sign 'please' and does so a lot. :) Some of the phrases he does via sign are: "out please" and "more music" (and he'll either touch his head for head and shoulders or go round and round with his hands for wheels on the bus). The signs we use regularly are mom, dad, brother, sister, eat, please, out, music, more, all done, I love you, play, thank you, good, good morning, NO- (haha, but seriously), grandma, grandpa, bye bye, goodnight, sleep, bath, school, bus, hurt, baby etc. And we just started the word family. He can't sign all of those but he is recognizing some of them.
He has finished a few projects at school that has him using crayons and glue. Each day he comes home his nurse tells me about all the new things he's been doing and it's like a dagger to the heart. All of my other children I have seen grow and watch them learn each stage. It's so bittersweet. I know he is thriving but it still hurts.
Having the mornings 'free' has been quite nice. I can go upstairs and accomplish chores, I can school the other kids without constantly having to run around and keep up with little man, we can even run errands!
AND..... Theodore is starting to walk! He's been able to take a few steps from one person to the next on just the right day at just the right time with just the right amount of help. But today, he stepped from one piece of furniture, turned and took two steps to the couch all by himself!!
AHHH! What am I going to do? :)
Things have been going along swimmingly. He's been enjoying school to the utmost. He is continuing to learn new signs, as are we. He can now sign 'please' and does so a lot. :) Some of the phrases he does via sign are: "out please" and "more music" (and he'll either touch his head for head and shoulders or go round and round with his hands for wheels on the bus). The signs we use regularly are mom, dad, brother, sister, eat, please, out, music, more, all done, I love you, play, thank you, good, good morning, NO- (haha, but seriously), grandma, grandpa, bye bye, goodnight, sleep, bath, school, bus, hurt, baby etc. And we just started the word family. He can't sign all of those but he is recognizing some of them.
He has finished a few projects at school that has him using crayons and glue. Each day he comes home his nurse tells me about all the new things he's been doing and it's like a dagger to the heart. All of my other children I have seen grow and watch them learn each stage. It's so bittersweet. I know he is thriving but it still hurts.
Having the mornings 'free' has been quite nice. I can go upstairs and accomplish chores, I can school the other kids without constantly having to run around and keep up with little man, we can even run errands!
AND..... Theodore is starting to walk! He's been able to take a few steps from one person to the next on just the right day at just the right time with just the right amount of help. But today, he stepped from one piece of furniture, turned and took two steps to the couch all by himself!!
AHHH! What am I going to do? :)
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