
Showing posts from January, 2021

Bag of Bones.

 More like bowl.  A nice bowl, of course. A vintage white enamel one, specifically. They are my preferred style of kitchen ware. Light, tinsley, and most importantly they harken back to a different time where we cooked our meals over  fireplaces (inside or out) and lit our homes with candles and lanterns.  So it only made sense to use one for his bones.  He wasn't my favorite when he died, and this wasn't even my plan initially- to keep his bones- but when the time came it all just seemed to make sense. It still makes sense. I think of him and think, "Yeah, it's appropriate that your skull is on the kitchen sill behind my sink." It's our cat. ONE of our cats I should say. I clarify this only to show that he wasn't our one and only cat and I've already stated that he wasn't my favorite. But he was the one that both my husband and I came to an understanding with.  The understanding with my husband was: You are cat; you give me what I want and I will ...

Shark bait, ooh ha ha.

 A couple of years ago my husband had this grand dream of getting an aquarium. Long story short, we got an aquarium. It was WAY harder to get started than we could have imagined and more than a few fish sacrificed their lives in our learning adventure. BUT after hundreds of water testing strips and filters and plants we finally struck a happy balance of fish and PH and got it chemically correct and grammatically correct and had a healthy tank.    So imagine for me, if you will, the constant pleasing, almost unnoticeable sound of the water running, the nice hue of light emanating from the tank, and the subtle movement of life continuously playing in the backgorund. Imagine your fish steadily growing- larger than you would have thought and the surprising fact that you really enjoy watching them.  On nights that Theodore's nurse isn't here and we find ourselves sleeping downstairs to accommodate him it's like a pleasant white noise as you sleep. The couch lies perpendic...

Spirit Animal.

I'll admit it, I'm not a spring chicken anymore. Somewhere after I turned 30 my body and mind (mostly mind) decided they were going to knot themselves, or loose themselves. I'm not sure which. But whatever happened left me like "Well, this is it. I guess just death is left."  So anyway... I think I found my spirit animal.   Yes, kid, yes. I do. I don't even actually know what you said, but I feel you in the depths of my soul.   I relate to the rapid searching of your mind for the right word that has miraculously disappeared from your vocabulary. I relate to your utter unashamed determination to NEVER QUIT until you say exactly what you wanted to say. And mostly, I relate to you doing this all out loud. If I'm suffering you're all suffering.  Dear kid that I don't know, back when this video came out I could not relate. I didn't fully appreciate you. But now. Oh now, I really do. Unfortunately for me, trying to order a breakfast sandwich at the...

Three words.

Handheld Vacuum  Sealer. Have you guys heard of these things? These crazy, beautiful creations? You probably have. It took me about 2 years to get on the meme train, I still don't have an Instapot, and "cold busted" is still in my repertoire. (But come on, you know there's no better word for those stinging digs.) Nevertheless, I have just discovered this novelty, thanks to my mother in law (who, yes, is FAR more current than I).  Um... these things are amazing.   LOOK AT MY CHOCOLATE CHIPS. JUST LOOK AT THEM. Also, look at my counter tops. That was totally intentional.    I have avoided the whole vacuum sealer thing because.... I just didn't want to do it *whiny voice*. Having to pull out another machine, setting it up, finding a place to store it... Okay, that might not seem bad, but it is. It always felt like such a chore. And when you already have to vacuum your house twice a day because you have two German Shepherds - you read that right. Twice. A. Day...