Three words.




Have you guys heard of these things? These crazy, beautiful creations? You probably have. It took me about 2 years to get on the meme train, I still don't have an Instapot, and "cold busted" is still in my repertoire. (But come on, you know there's no better word for those stinging digs.) Nevertheless, I have just discovered this novelty, thanks to my mother in law (who, yes, is FAR more current than I). 

Um... these things are amazing. 


Also, look at my counter tops. That was totally intentional. 

 I have avoided the whole vacuum sealer thing because.... I just didn't want to do it *whiny voice*. Having to pull out another machine, setting it up, finding a place to store it... Okay, that might not seem bad, but it is. It always felt like such a chore. And when you already have to vacuum your house twice a day because you have two German Shepherds - you read that right. Twice. A. Day. Everyday.- then you can't really bring yourself to add anything extra to your to-do list. 

But, when my MIL showed me hers, try as I might to convince myself that I wanted nothing to do with this mini machine, I was enthralled. I talked myself out of it for a whole 24 hours and then immediately bought one. And I gotta say......

 I love it.  I don't know why it's so darn pleasing but, dang it, it really is. Addictive, I'd say. Not so addictive that I've actually used it on more than 3 things, but addictive in like a "I'll definitely use it again as needed" kind of way. It brings a sense of accomplishment and pleasure that I just can't quite describe. Is this what being a responsible adult feels like?

Guys. It comes with it's own ziploc type bags. I practically don't have to do anything that I wasn't already doing.

 Maybe it will eventually lose it's glimmer and be another appliance that gets pushed to the back of a cabinet and only used on rare occassions like my food processor and immersion blender. But until it does, if it does, I'll be sure to happily use it on those necessary and slightly less than necessary occassions.   

Tell me what is YOUR favorite newly acquired kitchen gadget?? 


  1. Oh m gosh! This should not make me as happy as it does! Not in an i-told-you-so kind of way, eh hum, that more like "yippee isn't this fun!?" I think I might have even gotten a slice of cheese today simply so I could use that sealer and watch it suction and close itself around that block of cheese :-)

    1. Uh huh. I admit your victory. Accept it already.


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