What's that you say?
Oh! The incessant beeping!! I can't take it anymore, I tell you. I can't take it! Sometimes I think maybe, just maybe, to have a slight case of hearing loss wouldn't be a bad thing. I'm not talking full out deafness, just a little hearing impaired. My world could truly be a better place. There'd be a lot less to bother me, that's for sure. No more "Mom. Mom. Mom? Mom. Mommy. Mom." quietly in my ear because I just sat down after telling the kids I was going to be on the phone; yet they decide that's the perfect moment for asking about playing a game on the phone... that I'm talking on. And I suppose whispering it over and over and over again makes it less disobedient. Or less annoying. Or possible. I could literally miss out on THOUSANDS of "mom's" a day. And I'm not talking about the sweet little "Mom. Mom? I love you." 's. But the thousands of times that it really honestly doesn't matter. Case and poin...