Monday madness

Who told this boy he was allowed to grow up? I certainly didn't approve of that. Of course, I wouldn't say that I have 'approved' of about 50% of the way he's done things as of yet, but he hasn't really asked me. Rambo has suddenly gone from baby to boy.

Yes, people! He is sitting up on his own!!! He is still really unsteady, but I was able to snap a few pictures without him tumbling over. 

Just adorable. It can't be denied.
This one just makes me laugh. I love the gap in between his two front teeth. It only adds to the adorableness factor.

I might be crazy but after only 3 days on his new formula with a lesser calorie intake, I already feel like I can see a difference. Don't lose it too fast, buddy. The chunk is really what keeps you so darn cute. And it also makes me feel like you're still a baby. Stay thirsty, my friend. Drink up.
