Big move.

Today Rambo is being moved out of intensive care and into intermediate care. Finally! One week in the PICU is more than enough. He has been off the vent for more than 24 hours and is back down to almost baseline oxygen. He hasn't had a fever in a few days and it appears that this virus has moved on. 

There was a short debate on sending him home versus going to IMC. The reason for not coming home - his lungs still look horrendous. There has been little to no improvement. How he is breathing normal is a question for all of us. I'm sure the fact that he no longer has a fever and overall is feeling better is very helpful. He even sounds okay when the doctors and nurses listen to him. Usually it's very evident when something is going on in his lungs but this time has been different from the beginning. Also, his long stay in the PICU was another factor in not sending him home quite yet. 

I'm trying to prepare myself for a long stay. Once he goes to 'the floor' he will be on the pulmonary team. They usually like to keep him extra long because he is always changing the game up last minute. With the way his lungs look I doubt they'll be letting him go anywhere anytime soon. But I'm also hoping for better and know that anything is possible. 

I am SO thankful that we have made such improvement in a week. Last week at this time it was a very very different story. This was the worst he has been in over a year. I hope never to see him look that way again. I hope never to have him flown out again. I hope it's never necessary for him to be on the vent again. But, he's pretty cute so I think we'll keep him. Even if those things do happen again at some point in the future. 

For those of you wondering: Yes, I am up for company. Ben had to go back to work so now I'm lonely (I say in my most pitiful voice). Yes, I am up for any kind of food you may want to bring me. Yes, you may bring me sushi- you don't need to beg. Yes, I will always drink a cup of coffee. Yes, you may take my place for a day. I hope that answers your questions :)

I'm taking a big sigh of relief that we are improving. I feel much better. I'll see you all on the other side. And by 'other side' I mean anywhere outside of here. 


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