Medical mystery

I don't have the energy to post all the details but today has been a trying day. Theodore has been up and down a million times over. One thing will look good but it causes something else to crash. Right now they are taking him off the "ISO" because his blood pressures have been way too low. They are keeping him relaxed and sedated with other drugs in place of it. So his blood pressure has come up but now his oxygen is down and he's working really hard to breathe.

This has been the story all day. His xray  this morning looked worse than yesterday. But then he had a big dip in sats so they did another xray and it looked better than the one before- not what they were expecting. No cultures have come back with anything growing. There was a rumor of one being positive but no one has been able to find the proof. Long story short: they are perplexed.

He is no better. He is not out of the woods. He is still swollen. He is keeping them guessing. And busy.

I thought about not posting these pictures. They aren't really easy to look at. He looks a lot different from the ones before. Keep praying for him and for us.


  1. Oh poor baby.We are praying. Love you and remember the facts do not dictate the truth. Remember the God that heales him once before. That is the same God we serve and who love you and Theodore now. Hang in there.

  2. There just aren't words.

    You are all loved and prayed for and hoped for all the live long day. Our father in heaven is with you.

    I love you.

  3. Praise and Prayer Fellowship crowd prayed fervently for your entire family tonight. I can't imagine that one second of the day is void of prayers on your behalf. Love you guys!

  4. Poor sweet baby. All the lines and monitors, it is hard to think he can be comfortable. I hope you and your family are hanging in there. Always remember all of you are in our thoughts and prayers. It seems a lot of people love all of you and are praying as well. Kiss Theodore for us. Sarah Bruns

  5. Bless your sweet family! I, too, have a very unique, one of a kind, child. Wendy has a chromosome translocation that they say no geneticist has seen before. She was born at 33 weeks, after my water broke at 29 weeks. Wendy was born with an imperforate anus, microcephaly, infraheptic interrupted IVC, intestinal malrotation, swollen kidneys, kidney reflux, gastrointestinal reflux, anemia, feeding difficulties, flat nasal bridge, etc. she has a g tube and colostomy. She's 9 months old and only 11lbs and 24in long. But given all her problems, she is one of the most beautiful babies God ever made and I am so thankful for everyday I have with her. I keep a blog if you would like to follow. I enjoy meeting other families who keep blogs on their special children.

  6. I'm a friend of Ashley LeCompte and I have been hearing about baby Rambo for a while and have been praying for him since I first heard. It hurts my heart to hear that he is not doing well!! I just wanted to let you know that there is a "prayer warrior" group praying for this special little boy of yours!! I truly hope he gets better very soon!!
    ~Kira Johnson


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