We've discussed Emma before . (She's a pretty cute one.) So I thought I would share her most recent lullaby to Rambo. Just imagine the following in a fully convicted, monotone tune. Ladies and gentlemen, the first ever documented Emma speak lullaby. You're the best baby in the whole entired world. You're the best baby in the whole entired world. You're the best baby in the whole entired world. You're the best baby in the whole entired world. God is the strongest God. He's the best daddy. He's the kingdom of the dad. He is the strongest. Daddy is still strong but not as strong as God. When you pray He will hear you. And if you shout He will definitely hear you. You're the best baby in the whole entired world. You're the best baby in the whole entired world. (repeat x1000) Yes, I purposefully spelled 'entired' that way. It was not an oversight. It also makes her that much more endearing. I just love watchin...